The Black Templars are one of the most famous and zealous Chapters of the Space Marines, known for their unyielding faith, unrelenting warfare, and unbreakable bonds of brotherhood. In the vast grimdark universe of Warhammer 40,000, the Black Templars stand out not only for their fervent devotion to the Emperor of Mankind but also for their never-ending crusades against the heretics, xenos, and all enemies of humanity. In this article, we will delve deeply into the history, organization, combat tactics, culture, and lore surrounding the Black Templars, a Chapter that is forever sworn to crusade in the Emperor’s name.

Introduction to the Black Templars

The Black Templars are a Second Founding Chapter of Space Marines, created after the Horus Heresy. Descended from the Imperial Fists, their founding marked a significant shift in the way their progenitors operated. Unlike other Space Marine Chapters, the Black Templars do not adhere to the strict regulations of the Codex Astartes, particularly when it comes to their size and organizational structure. Instead, they prefer to organize themselves into crusading fleets that operate independently, with their numbers vastly exceeding the standard 1,000 Space Marines.

A Legacy of Zeal and Piety

The Black Templars are renowned for their unwavering loyalty to the Emperor, whom they worship as a divine figure. This faith-based approach to war and governance sets them apart from most other Space Marine Chapters, who follow the Imperial Truth, which denies the Emperor’s divinity. The Templars’ religious fanaticism is both their greatest strength and a source of tension with other factions within the Imperium, particularly the Adeptus Mechanicus and certain Imperial institutions.

Origins of the Black Templars

The Black Templars were founded in the aftermath of the Horus Heresy, during the Second Founding. The Imperial Fists Chapter was split into several successor Chapters as part of Roboute Guilliman’s Codex Astartes reforms. Among these new Chapters, the Black Templars were created under the leadership of the newly appointed Chapter Master, Sigismund.

Sigismund, the Eternal Crusader

Sigismund, the first High Marshal of the Black Templars, was a legendary warrior of the Imperial Fists. He was personally chosen by Rogal Dorn, Primarch of the Imperial Fists, to lead the newly formed Black Templars. Sigismund’s combat prowess and devotion to the Emperor were unparalleled, and he was instrumental in shaping the Chapter’s culture of ceaseless warfare and religious zealotry.

After the Horus Heresy, Sigismund swore an eternal oath to continue the fight against all enemies of the Emperor in a never-ending crusade. This commitment to perpetual warfare became the cornerstone of the Black Templars’ ethos, and to this day, they continue Sigismund’s legacy by launching countless crusades across the galaxy.

The Black Templars’ Crusading Doctrine

Crusading Fleets

Unlike most other Chapters, which operate from a single fortress-monastery, the Black Templars are constantly on the move, divided into numerous Crusader fleets. These fleets are vast, mobile armies that travel through the galaxy in search of enemies to vanquish in the name of the Emperor. Each fleet is led by a Marshal (the Black Templars’ equivalent of a Chapter Master), and they are autonomous, capable of waging war independently.

The Black Templars’ crusades can last for centuries, with entire generations of Space Marines being born, trained, and killed without ever setting foot on a homeworld. This nomadic lifestyle reinforces their identity as eternal warriors who will stop at nothing to fulfill their sacred duty.

Non-Adherence to the Codex Astartes

The Black Templars have always maintained a certain disdain for the rigid structure of the Codex Astartes. While they do incorporate aspects of the Codex in their organization, they refuse to limit their numbers to the prescribed 1,000 Space Marines. Instead, their numbers are believed to be in the tens of thousands, spread across their numerous Crusader fleets. This blatant disregard for the Codex has led to tension with other more traditional Chapters and the Ultramarines, who view the Codex as holy doctrine.

Zeal and Purity

Religious fervor is the core of the Black Templars’ combat doctrine. Every Black Templar takes an oath of loyalty to the Emperor and vows to purge the galaxy of all that is impure. This zealousness manifests itself in a strict adherence to rituals and codes of conduct that emphasize faith, honor, and purity. One of their most famous rituals is the taking of the Emperor’s Champion, where one Templar is chosen by divine vision to carry a sacred black sword and lead his brethren in battle against the most dangerous foes.

Organization of the Black Templars

The Black Templars’ organization is unique among Space Marine Chapters. Rather than following the traditional Chapter hierarchy, they are divided into numerous Crusader fleets. Each fleet operates independently, and while they occasionally come together for major campaigns, their primary focus is on their own individual missions and objectives.


The Chapter is led by the High Marshal, who oversees all the Crusader fleets. The High Marshal is akin to a Chapter Master in other Space Marine Chapters, but due to the decentralized nature of the Black Templars, he wields less direct control over his warriors. Instead, each fleet is led by a Marshal, who answers only to the High Marshal.

  • High Marshal: The overall leader of the Black Templars, currently High Marshal Helbrecht.
  • Marshal: The commander of a Crusader fleet, responsible for the strategy and leadership of his forces.
  • Emperor’s Champion: A warrior chosen by visions from the Emperor, tasked with seeking out and slaying the enemy’s greatest champions.
  • Castellans: Senior officers who serve under the Marshals, often leading smaller forces within a Crusader fleet.
  • Sword Brethren: Elite veterans of the Chapter who have distinguished themselves in countless battles.

Neophytes and Initiates

The Black Templars practice a unique form of recruitment and training. Unlike most Chapters, which maintain dedicated training companies, the Black Templars have Neophytes (initiates in training) directly fight alongside their more experienced brethren, known as Initiates. Each Neophyte is paired with an Initiate who serves as their mentor. This apprenticeship continues until the Neophyte has proven himself in battle and is worthy of being fully inducted into the Chapter as an Initiate.

Combat Doctrine of the Black Templars

The Black Templars are renowned for their ferocity in battle and their close-combat prowess. They favor close-quarters combat, where their zeal and righteous fury can be brought to bear on their enemies.

Close-Combat Specialists

The Black Templars prefer to engage their enemies up close, wielding chainswords, power swords, and thunder hammers to devastating effect. While they are not adverse to using ranged weapons, they believe that true glory can only be found in face-to-face combat, where the strength of a warrior’s faith and the Emperor’s will are most keenly felt. Their combat doctrine emphasizes lightning assaults, shock tactics, and aggressive strikes, often overwhelming the enemy with sheer force and speed.

Vows and Oaths

Before every battle, Black Templar warriors take sacred vows that dictate their combat style and behavior on the battlefield. These vows are more than just motivational speeches—they are oaths sworn before the Emperor and are believed to channel His divine power. Some of these vows include:

  • Uphold the Honour of the Emperor: A vow that strengthens the resolve of Black Templars, making them resistant to morale-breaking effects.
  • Abhor the Witch, Destroy the Witch: A vow to hunt and eradicate all psykers and sorcerers.
  • Suffer Not the Unclean to Live: A pledge to cleanse the battlefield of all heretics, mutants, and xenos.

Religious Zeal and Culture

The Emperor’s Divinity

One of the defining aspects of the Black Templars is their unwavering belief that the Emperor is a god. Unlike other Space Marine Chapters, which adhere to the Imperial Truth that denies the Emperor’s divinity, the Black Templars fully embrace the teachings of the Ecclesiarchy, the Imperium’s religious institution. They view the Emperor not only as their supreme leader but as a divine figure whose will they must enact at all costs.

The Purge of Psykers

The Black Templars have an intense hatred for psykers, whom they see as an affront to the purity of the human soul. As such, they refuse to field Librarians (psychic warriors) within their ranks, unlike most other Space Marine Chapters. They view the use of psychic powers as a dangerous and corrupting force, and their crusades often involve purging heretical psykers from the galaxy.

Crusades and Campaigns

The Eternal Crusade

The Black Templars are unique in that they are constantly on a crusade. This eternal mission to spread the Emperor’s light and destroy His enemies takes them to all corners of the galaxy. Some of the most notable campaigns in their history include:

  • The Vinculus Crusade: A series of campaigns to cleanse an entire subsector of heretics and xenos.
  • The Armageddon Campaign: The Black Templars played a crucial role in defending the Hive World of Armageddon against the Ork Warlord Ghazghkull Thraka and his massive Waaagh! This campaign was one of the largest in the history of the Black Templars, with countless battles fought in the brutal urban environments of Armageddon’s cities and wastelands. Under the leadership of High Marshal Helbrecht, the Black Templars made significant contributions to the defense of the planet, battling alongside other Space Marine Chapters, the Imperial Guard, and Adeptus Mechanicus forces to repel the Ork menace.

The Vinculus Crusade

The Vinculus Crusade is another significant campaign in the Black Templars’ long history. This crusade spanned centuries and was primarily focused on the destruction of the heretical Apostate Cardinal Bucharis and his followers. The Black Templars, driven by their zeal to cleanse the Imperium of corruption and heresy, led a multi-system campaign, purging planets of heretics and traitors. This campaign epitomized their tireless dedication to purging impurity in the name of the Emperor.

The Jerulas Crusade

Another major event in the Black Templars’ history was the Jerulas Crusade. This campaign saw the Black Templars fighting alongside the Sisters of Battle of the Adepta Sororitas to cleanse a series of worlds from heretic and Chaos forces. The Black Templars’ unwavering faith and martial prowess were crucial in achieving victory, further solidifying their reputation as the Emperor’s most devout warriors.

Famous Black Templars Characters

High Marshal Helbrecht

The current leader of the Black Templars, High Marshal Helbrecht, is a legendary figure in the annals of the Imperium. He has led the Chapter through countless crusades and campaigns, demonstrating unmatched leadership and combat prowess. Helbrecht is known for his hatred of the enemies of mankind and his unshakable belief in the righteousness of his cause. He carries on the legacy of Sigismund with an iron will, steering the Chapter through its eternal crusade against heresy, xenos, and all who threaten the Imperium.

The Emperor’s Champion

The Emperor’s Champion is a unique and sacred figure within the Black Templars. Before each major battle, one of the Chapter’s warriors is chosen through divine visions from the Emperor to don the mantle of the Emperor’s Champion. This warrior takes up the Black Sword, a relic of immense power, and is charged with the duty of challenging the enemy’s greatest champions in single combat. The Emperor’s Champion is a symbol of the Black Templars’ unyielding faith and is often seen as the embodiment of the Emperor’s will on the battlefield.

Chaplain Grimaldus

Chaplain Grimaldus is one of the most revered figures in the Black Templars. Known as the “Hero of Helsreach,” Grimaldus became a legendary figure during the Third War for Armageddon. Tasked with defending the city of Helsreach against an overwhelming Ork invasion, Grimaldus led a heroic defense, inspiring not only his fellow Black Templars but also the citizens and other Imperial forces. Though Helsreach was ultimately destroyed, Grimaldus survived, earning a place of honor within the Chapter’s history.

Relics and Symbols of the Black Templars

The Black Sword

The Black Sword is one of the most sacred relics of the Black Templars, wielded exclusively by the Emperor’s Champion. This sword is a symbol of the Emperor’s judgment, and its wielder is tasked with seeking out the enemy’s most dangerous champions to vanquish them in single combat. The Black Sword is an ancient weapon, said to be imbued with the Emperor’s divine power.

The Holy Orb of Antioch

This relic is a powerful explosive device used by the Black Templars in times of great need. Said to have been blessed by the Ecclesiarchy, the Holy Orb of Antioch is capable of devastating entire formations of enemies, making it a potent symbol of the Chapter’s faith and martial might.

The Crux Terminatus

Like many other Space Marine Chapters, the Black Templars utilize the Crux Terminatus, a relic passed down from the days of the Horus Heresy. This sacred piece of armor is worn by the Chapter’s most elite warriors, providing not only physical protection but also serving as a symbol of their loyalty to the Emperor and the Chapter.

Cultural and Religious Zeal of the Black Templars

Rituals of Faith

The Black Templars’ faith in the Emperor is not only expressed on the battlefield but also through a series of sacred rituals and practices. These rituals reinforce their devotion to the Emperor and their commitment to their eternal crusade. Before each battle, Templars engage in prayers, oaths, and the recitation of the Catechism of Hate, a powerful litany that strengthens their resolve and hatred for the enemies of mankind.

Pilgrimages and Holy Sites

When not engaged in battle, many Black Templars make pilgrimages to holy sites throughout the Imperium. These pilgrimages are acts of devotion to the Emperor, reinforcing the Chapter’s belief in their divine mission. Some Templars even seek out the resting places of the Emperor’s most faithful servants or seek to recover ancient relics to further their cause.

Vows of Purity and Honor

Central to the Black Templars’ way of life are the vows they take before each crusade. These vows are sacred oaths made to the Emperor and serve as guiding principles for their behavior in and out of battle. One of the most important vows is the Vow of Purity, which commits the Templars to eradicate any form of heresy, corruption, or impurity they encounter. These vows not only define their actions but also bind them together as a brotherhood.

The Black Templars and the Wider Imperium

Relations with Other Space Marine Chapters

The Black Templars maintain complex relationships with other Space Marine Chapters. While many Chapters respect the Black Templars for their zeal and martial prowess, others are wary of their disregard for the Codex Astartes and their immense size. Chapters like the Ultramarines, who strictly adhere to the Codex, often find themselves at odds with the Templars, while more independent Chapters, such as the Space Wolves, have a mutual respect for their warrior spirit.

The Ecclesiarchy

The Black Templars share a particularly strong bond with the Ecclesiarchy, the Imperium’s religious institution. Both organizations share the belief in the Emperor’s divinity, and the Templars often fight alongside the Adepta Sororitas, the militant arm of the Ecclesiarchy. The Templars’ reverence for the Emperor as a god has fostered a close alliance with the Ecclesiarchy, particularly in joint campaigns to root out heresy and witchcraft.

Conflicts with the Inquisition

Despite their loyalty to the Imperium, the Black Templars have occasionally clashed with the Inquisition. Their refusal to use Librarians and their distrust of psykers have led to tensions with the Ordo Hereticus and the Ordo Malleus, branches of the Inquisition that deal with witchcraft and daemonic threats. The Templars’ dogmatic approach to warfare and their reluctance to cooperate with certain Imperial institutions can sometimes lead to friction, though they remain steadfast in their duty to protect the Emperor’s realm.

The Role of the Black Templars in the Current Era

As the galaxy plunges further into darkness during the era of the Great Rift, the Black Templars continue to play a critical role in defending the Imperium. With the opening of the Cicatrix Maledictum and the rise of new threats from Chaos and xenos alike, the Black Templars have launched new crusades to stem the tide of destruction. Under the leadership of High Marshal Helbrecht, they stand as one of the most formidable defenders of humanity, their zeal unwavering in the face of the growing chaos that threatens the galaxy.


The Black Templars are more than just warriors—they are the living embodiment of faith and the Emperor’s wrath. Their dedication to their eternal crusade, their unyielding belief in the Emperor’s divinity, and their unmatched prowess in battle make them one of the most iconic and fearsome Space Marine Chapters. As they continue to wage war in the Emperor’s name, the Black Templars will remain a shining example of purity, honor, and relentless devotion, forever crusading to rid the galaxy of all that threatens the Imperium.

In the grim darkness of the far future, where there is only war, the Black Templars stand as a beacon of hope and righteousness, sworn to vanquish all foes and ensure that the Emperor’s light will never fade.

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